God is in control knowing He control everything our Hope increase to start our buddhist family gathering in Christ name.Though many couldn't turn out because of their health but those few who came were still coming regularly with zealness.It was also first time for Osher to go and join bhuddhist gathering.It was also such a joy to meet our sunday school children after a year with lots of excitement
Hunger for Gods presence in the family as a team we visited and minister to them,the work of the HolySpirit move strongly in the family start touching the heart of each member even the youngonce were filled with the Spirit.During the same week not only others were touch by Holy Spirit but also in our team our staffs were filled with the Spirit so we talk about their commitment towards our ministry we felt it was worth to know about their commitment and the Holy Spirit did it.
Here are some prayer points:
1)Ask God for His leading in leadership.
2)Need house befor month of july for DTS.
3)Need prayer for our staff who can work with us longterm.
Thank you.