Annu (Tsering Tsomu) |
Hello my name is
Annu (Tsering Tsomu). I am from Arunachal Pradesh India and I belong to a Buddhist
tribe called Monpa Tawang which is also known for being the world’s least unreached
people group. God chose me from that dark world in the year 2004 and that is
when I gave my life to Him. He became my Father and I His daughter. He is my
only source of living in this dark world. I have been working in YWAM at least
9 to 10 years. Currently I am serving in DTS (Discipleship Training School)
with young people as a leader. I also help lead a small fellowship for my
people called the Monpa Fellowship. God opened a door for me to be a part of
Sons & Daughters which I’m extremely thankful for.
December 2016 Sons
& Daughters held a retreat for all of its members. I felt so welcomed and
honoured by what God is doing and speaking. The retreat had a great impact on
my life as this was the first time I took a break from ministry. I was so
honoured and to be honest I have never been in a position where I had received so
much honour like the way Sons & Daughters did for me in the retreat. I’m thankful
for all that the Lord had done for me.